I am starting to wonder if my second tier are having any effect on my first tier. I first build my first tier contextual links using platforms article, social network, and wiki and web2.0 although you only get the odd verified from the web2.0. I have got 350 verified links for my first tier i ping them and index them then i start my 2nd tier consisting of article, blog comments, directory, forum, microblog, social bookmark,social network,video,adult video,web2.0 and wiki. I create 3,000 verified links over ten days for my second tier i ping them and index them what i am trying to say is buy the time i have finished the second tier im seeing good movement on my keywords in the rankings yet i have only just finished my second tier and then a week after that no change in my rankings is my first tier only working and not my second.
By creating a 2nd tier, you are essentially making sure that your tier 1 links are going to stick in the index for a long time until the site admin deletes your post, when google refreshes their index, if they see a single post/url that is within their index but no links pointing to it, it is more likely to be dropped from the index, this is where your tier 2 links come into play, the tier 2 link not only provides a higher index rate for your tier 1's but it also creates additional inbound links that point to your tier 1 link, it is passing the juice to your tier 1 link, but it'll be weak, as the 2nd tier link is crap and needs to be powered up.
This is where so many people go wrong with link building especially when a google refresh comes along, they cry that their rankings have dropped completely from ranking in the top 3 to all the way down to ranking 250+ but before the refresh, they were happily spamming tier 1 links only with no tier 2s or 3's but they didn't care, because they were ranking.
It's a knock on effect, to make sure you build your rankings and make sure they stick, you'll want to build a three tier structure, I'd suggest building a three tier structure even if you hit those top spots with only tier 1's... it will help you stick when a google refresh comes along, you may think it's overkill but I'm telling you its the only way to keep your rankings using crap link sources.
On the other hand, if your tier 1s are of good quality, from respected high authority low spammed sources, then you would be able to just build a 2nd tier, I mean spam a 2nd tier and be happy with whatever becomes indexed to push you up the rankings, you'll still want to blast these tier 2 links to help keep them within the index.. if a link has no inbound links pointing to it, its practically a dead link, unless from a HIGH AUTHORITY site with juice of its own.
What to be careful about... don't go spamming your tier 1 links like a maniac all at once, this will cause your tier 1 link to drop in and out of the index and will result in your current rankings to bounce around like a mofo, instead, aim to hit each tier 1 link with 25 - 50 inbound links and drip index them over 3-7 days, by all means, you should definitely be hitting all your tier 1's at once, but limit the amount of links to each url by 25-50 links.
rinse and repeat for tier 3 and 4 and 5 or you could make use of interlinking to make life easier.
If you are seeing your rankings increase with your tier 1 campaign alone, this is a good sign, it shows you've got your keyword density in order and you aren't tripping any filters.
Ow and you will want to stay away from crappy link types/engines when focusing on a tiering structure, what's the point in tiering a tier 2 bookmark? or a tier 2 blog comment? That's completely retarded.
One of my current bane in building a tiered structure is making tier 1 contextuals. Do you have any tips for us mortals on how we could make them stick?
I am intrigued by what you said about 'interlinking'. Do you mean interlinking links within the tier?
Perhaps using your own PBNs as tier 1 links... that's the only way, no need to go out scouring for a high PR site, just buy a brand new domain if you must and work from there.
I suffer an incredible amount of link loss, on average around 40% - 70% per month, the best I can do is just replenish, replenish and replenish, the harder your niche, the more resources you're going to need to win the battle.
Nice tip on the ahrefs. Remembered a domain i spammed with gsa ser earlier last year. It should still have links pointing to it.