Hello! I have a bug in my GSA SER. It tells me that all of my emails are blacklisted.. I've even imported new ones which I had never used and it still keeps saying that all the emails are blacklisted.
Does anyone know how can I fix this? I am running the version 9.65
I check my and some are fine, most are blackilsted than i checked those red online and they were fine.
The first check was all good, there was no blacklisted emails, then when I checked them back again, the results changed... Why? I then added other email addresses (New ones as well) and it said the same thing.
Here is the first emails that I tried it with:
Sven can you solve this?
Sven will tell us.
My setings are:
time between two logins: 2000 sec.
>> checked per account()else per pop3 server
>> checked delete message when verification link was found
>> checked delete message if older than 5 days.
2015-02-25 05:06: twilanailyn3102@yahoo.com: POP3 Login failed - SockError: No Buffer space available
2015-02-25 05:06: letharaysonwh9337@yahoo.com: POP3 Login failed - SockError: No Buffer space available
When i verify them they are ok.