.) my question is ment a other way .. i wanted to know .. if you stop to rank your sites after you are at good positions .. or if you continously generate backlinks ?
You are talking about 'maintenance'. Yes, you have to have some maintenance level of linking. Unless it is a low competition keyword that not one other competitor cares about - so essentially you have zero competition. Not likely though.
Once I 'get there' on top, I usually just keep my latest linkbuilding settings going forward. That usually does it...at least until you have the new kid gunning for you. Then it becomes a horserace again.
set my campain for more than 10 days
from 0 ip to one or two .ve .nz .uk ip someday.
i directly point to my money three niche sites now.
these sites are affected by goole several moths ago, i have not gain any traffic before.
later, i want build a niche site whith some web 2.0 as my tier 1, but dont know how to set up them exactly.
rodol you mean competition?
exact search around 1000, low or medum competiton keywords
You are talking about 'maintenance'. Yes, you have to have some maintenance level of linking. Unless it is a low competition keyword that not one other competitor cares about - so essentially you have zero competition. Not likely though.
Once I 'get there' on top, I usually just keep my latest linkbuilding settings going forward. That usually does it...at least until you have the new kid gunning for you. Then it becomes a horserace again.