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General Question : How long do you rank your sites ?

edited January 2013 in Need Help
Hmm i wonder how long do you run your campaigns .. ?  until you see its ranked for your keywords or continously ?


  • set my campain for more than 10 days

    from 0 ip to one or two .ve .nz .uk ip someday.

    i directly point to my money three niche sites now.

    these sites are affected by goole several moths ago, i have not gain any traffic before.

    later, i want build a niche  site whith some web 2.0 as my tier 1, but dont know how to set up them exactly.

  • @dylan09 are you high or something?
  • rodol  you mean competition?

    exact search around 1000, low or medum competiton keywords

  • no i mean high on drugs, because you are kind of hard to understand... anyways there are some good threads on the forum talking about that, check this one
  • .) my question is ment a other way .. i wanted to know .. if you stop to rank your sites after you are at good positions .. or if you continously generate backlinks ?
  • ronron
    edited January 2013

    You are talking about 'maintenance'. Yes, you have to have some maintenance level of linking. Unless it is a low competition keyword that not one other competitor cares about - so essentially you have zero competition. Not likely though.

    Once I 'get there' on top, I usually just keep my latest linkbuilding settings going forward. That usually does least until you have the new kid gunning for you. Then it becomes a horserace again.

  • thanks for info @ron !
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