GSA SER Test of Verified Links...
I ran a test of links provided by @Trevor_Bandura.

Please notice, that these links were re-verified by him, before I ran it on my system.

Test was done with the following:
- Capthca Breaker
- CapthcaTronix
- BanditIM TextCapthca Solver
- 10 Threads only
- 11 verified links
- 93 Submitted (still hangs as subitted - but will unlikely ever become verified)
Partial logfile is here: *Removed to avoid others from abusing it
Problems discovered during the test and analyse of logfile:
- Wrong usernames
- Wrong passwords
- Wrong sequence of log in (verification was not done prior to log in)
- Problems with captcha solving (Captchatronix not responding, despite only 10 threads being used???)
- Socket errors
- Domain change
- Site down, spamfilters, 503/404 errors
Obviously something is completely wrong here @Sven
How can we debug these errors, in order to improve the performance and amount of verified links?
Additional setup information:
- Test was performed on a dedicated server
- 60 Private Proxies
- HTML Timeout 180
- Maximum Size of Website 4 MB
Proxy Use:
- Submission
- Verification
Not used for verification
Not used for email
Could it be that SER is having problems with storing account information?
I have also noticed that using the latest version of SER my emails seem to be failing a lot more than when I revert back to the older versions, is the new version of SER handling emails differently perhaps? Causing email banning or returning false positives?
But as I said in another thread, the older version which I have reverted back to is performing 50x better than the new one, perhaps it isn't an engine issue, but maybe my points above.