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How to check if a t2 link is linked to a dead t1?

I'm starting to use again Tiers3 (before I was only using MS+T1+T2).

But only now I noticed that when some links of the Tier 1 are dead, it's not possible to make a check between T2 and T1, so on the Tier 2 all the urls already presents that are linking to the dead T1s, will keep to be linked by the new T3 that will be created on the future.

Is there a way to delete the T2 links that are linking to dead T1s?

(I hope the question is clear ( #:-S )


  • Tim89Tim89
    Back Link Monitor or Re-verify your tiers each day.
  • check re-verify in XXX minutes in "option"
  • Tim89blackseocn , it doesn't work!

    It works inside each tier, I mean, this 2 options:
    - Right-click on a project > Set Status > Active (Re-Verify), and
    - Right-click on a project > Show Urls > Verified > Verify > All Urls

    they only check if each urls is still linked to the "Link Url" of its page, but don't check if the "Link Url" is still alive.
    So when the "Link Url" (destination) will die, that article that is on T2 will stay there and new T3 links will be builded on the next days... :-(

    Hope it is clear
  • @Sven
    Do you think it will be possible that when a project is re-verifying its links, every url check if it's still linked to the urls of upper project (so T2 urls check if they are linked to the urls of project T1) and not as now, just checking if they are linked to the "Link Url"?

    On the OP I explained why (the T3 projects will keep to build links to the T2 links that, in turn, are linking to dead T1
  • SvenSven
    This check is already done. It checks if the upper project is still holding the linked URL. If not, then it is no longer building links to it and also removed those other links.
  • No @Sven, after my tests I think it doesn't work in this way.
    I tried to manually delete some urls from a T1, and also many of them has been deleted using the 2 options:
    - Right-click on a project > Set Status > Active (Re-Verify), and
    - Right-click on a project > Show Urls > Verified > Verify > All Urls

    But later, when I do a Re-Verify on T2, the links that are pointing to the deleted T1 they keep to stay where there are. Ser just checks if in one article (or post, message etc) it has done, there is still the "Link Url" it has posted in the past, but Ser don't check if in the upper tier there is the "Link Url" or not.

    It's easy to test, just deleting some T1 urls and later doing a re-verify on the corresponding T2.

    Hope it's clear my explanation, thanks for the attention anyway
  • SvenSven
    T2 is removing it's own links once it sees it has no link in the upper project for it. This is only happening if the option to reverify is used.
  • No, sorry, I'm sure it doesn't delete them, I just tested it again.
    Anyway I stop here this thread.
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