Since disabling all PR checking I'm not getting banned anymore, but previously I was getting 30-50 proxies banned pretty quickly only running 30 threads. My server host thinks "G" changed something in the last update because they have been noticing bans much more quickly than before.
@ron You are absolutely correct. Good call. ^:)^ This project is building links to about 24 Web2.0s I built with SERengines a couple weeks ago, so I'm letting it build links to some blogs and directories also. I opened my submitted list and sorted by type. It looks like the blog comments are about 30% of the links. My verified will probably be lower because of it. Here is what I have checked on the project:
I have now unchecked the blog comments to reduce the %. I left the project running over night and here is the new screenshot this morning:
I really have to say holy crap, CB is good! The solve % on CB is pretty impressive.
@LeeG I finally figured out why you were testing CSX as a secondary to CB. Simple math really. If you look at the screenshot above the average solve time is 0.346 for CB. 60 / 0.346 = 173.41, so it would be impossible to break the LPM cap of 173.41 with an average solve time of 0.346. By using CSX as a secondary you pick up some of the slack and CSX can grab the retries while CB moves on to new captchas.
@ozz >>> i wonder if Google have combined proxy bans for PR checking, searching and recaptcha for instance? in the past those were handled seperately but things might have changed.
I didnt even use them for PR checking. Maybe they just have an eye on advanced operators now (since 99,9% of all human internet users dont use them) and ban proxies for that. Just a vague theory of course, but if i was G i would do it
to what i've witnessed the "inurl:" operator was causing bans faster in the past already. you could see it when working on footprints all day long and as soon as the "inurl:" operator was used frequently you got a "are you human?" message pretty soon.
i don't know if they have tweaked something more in that direction, but i don't see any differences yet and everything works fine.
what about recaptcha? or translations? all this things could add up when google is logging all IPs across all services now. using recaptchas (with retries) regularly or make use of the #trans macro frequently could be a cause for bans MAYBE.
I've been following @LeeG posts, reading best practices and I've been pulling my hair out
I have done a lot of experiments but I still don't know what I have done wrong to get such low LPM of ~30-40. Sometimes it raised to ~100LPM, but after a few hours, came back to 30 or even worse ~12LPM... My submission per day is around 18k, verified is around 3k.
I have viewed the list of verified platforms by going to Options - Advanced - Tools - Show Stats - Verified, and chose platforms with higher numbers. I've also unchecked collect keywords, analyse and post to competitor backlinks. But still...
Please help me out!
My machine: AMD 2.09Ghz 2 proc, 14GB RAM, 1Gbps upline.
Proxies: 600 Semi Proxies from buyproxies. (I use for scraping with scrapebox, too)
GSA SER Settings:
Overall settings:
Threads: 1300 (I could even raise this to 2500, SER still running well and it's not even close to my machine threshold)
HTML Timeout: 140
Use Private Proxies: Everywhere except Verification. No Public proxies. Custom time: 4 sec.
Captcha: GSA CB inside CB I use 3rd party service: Antigate. Toggle ReCaptcha always use 3rd service for saving time...
Indexing: Only check Use Indexification
Filter: Checked 6 first sites. Update interval: 1440 minutes. Maximum filesize: 4MB.
Uncheck "Automatically insert your URL at the bottom"
Insert up to: 4 random URLs for random words
For keywords, I take 40 keywords then paste it to scrapebox keyword scraper, import those to Keyword field (around 3-5k keywords per project).
Others data fields are filled normally or defaults
Ask all services to fill captchas - Chose Random
Verified links must have exact URL
When to verify: Custom time - 1440 minutes
Send verified Link to Indexer Services (I use Indexification)
Try to always place an URL with anchor text
For TAGS use: Anchor text
Search Engines Use: randomly 9 Google (ie: BG, BH, BS, BR, ES, UK etc...) no international
Use URLs from global site: Verified
Others are unchecked
Email verification: 1 email, live or hotmail or outlook. I check this daily to see if blacklisted or not. Checked: delete messages when verification link was found, Delete message if older than: 3 days.
Please point out what I'm doing wrong... I really need some advices Thanks alot guys!
Edit: Some screenshots:
Some platforms are too long to take screenshots. Please have a look at the list I've stated in the project settings above. I hope to get other new users getting good results.
whats your LPM without any 2nd captcha service and "skip hard to solve captchas"? i bet that using antigate with humans answering captchas will decrease your LPM a lot. just do the math if 30% off all your submissions are recaptchas and any solve for those captchas lasts >10 seconds instead of skipping them and do the rest with CB and <0,5 seconds on average.
if you want do it like LeeG than do it without 2nd captcha services.
@Ozz: I will try disabling captcha services and tick skip hard to resolve and see if it helps.
@LeeG: Okay I'm gonna do it, thanks for your advice. But I have to backup this right? Because whenever SER updates, it overwrites all these. Edit: I've just had a look at Article Beach for example, edit a project, double clicked the Article Beach, search for "use" but nothing even close to "use blog engine". Could you please do a sprint search? Or am I searching in the wrong file?
@Brumnick: No, I only have 600 proxies from buyproxies, the rest of the 4281 showing there is public proxies which I use them for gscraper. I use private proxies for all actions.
Note that on my projects above I don't feed them any lists. Just global sites (around 300k) and SER itself scrapes on google. At the time I compose the above post, it was around 21LPM, and now it dropped to 12LPM. Damn!
Seriously, though... Thanks for all the advice and tips. I have been tweaking/testing based on the info that you and others have shared and I am slowly but steadily climbing up in LPM and verified links.
It would have taken so much longer if not for the "nudges in the right direction" that has been shared, So, I appreciate it!
Ha! Guess what? I couldn't sleep though I sat up and check stuffs. Here is the result. Big thanks to @Ozz and @LeeG. Let's see how many verified tomorrow night. Still need more tweaks to catchup with LeeGendary lol
Wait until you rename engines then see messages in the update notes like today "updated some engines" and then look at the dates the files were updated and find they have all been updated 8-} (
Another way to get a lot of links built is to understand the nature of your projects.
For example, let's say you have 12 T1's, and 60 junk tiers.
You know you have low link limits on your T1's, and their link requirement will get filled pretty damn quick. The problem is these projects are pretty much on pause the majority of the day because they got filled very quickly at the beginning of the day.
Instead, start your day with only the small projects being active => the T1's, and any other low-link project aimed at your moneysite. Give that 2 hours (or less) to get those done first.
Then stop SER, inactivate those T1's, and now activate all other junk tiers. And let that run for 22 hours. Now you will see some serious LPM.
This is not to replace what @Lee said. This is something you can do in addition to what @Lee suggests.
I'm doing it right now, and it is rocking - but I am using scheduler. So scheduler for the T1's, and scheduler for the junk. I'm just separating the runs.
For whatever reason that I can't explain, some of my T1's have a hard time getting their orders filled when mixed with junk tiers. It's almost like SER wants to keep going fast, so it favors the junk tiers even though I have them on lower priority. When I just run the T1's together, I get all the links I'm supposed to have. And that's what started me down this path.
@ron You are absolutely correct. Good call. ^:)^ This project is building links to about 24 Web2.0s I built with SERengines a couple weeks ago, so I'm letting it build links to some blogs and directories also. I opened my submitted list and sorted by type. It looks like the blog comments are about 30% of the links. My verified will probably be lower because of it. Here is what I have checked on the project:
I have now unchecked the blog comments to reduce the %. I left the project running over night and here is the new screenshot this morning:
I really have to say holy crap, CB is good! The solve % on CB is pretty impressive.
@LeeG I finally figured out why you were testing CSX as a secondary to CB. Simple math really. If you look at the screenshot above the average solve time is 0.346 for CB. 60 / 0.346 = 173.41, so it would be impossible to break the LPM cap of 173.41 with an average solve time of 0.346. By using CSX as a secondary you pick up some of the slack and CSX can grab the retries while CB moves on to new captchas.
In all honesty, I don't use csx any more
More programs run, means more resources used. The same resources better used by ser and cb
These results were gained with nothing more than ser and cb
@Lee, that is an insane number of verifieds. I know you have done more work than anybody on getting that number up high. ^:)^
Any tips for the rest of us mortals on how to boost up verifieds?
Two words "hard work" and another two "use brain"
I have shared the methods I use to hit those numbers. Same method as getting a decent LpM
Stats pages like this look good, but they are short lived. Soon as you kill the dead links on t2, the pretty patterns die
I average 50k verified daily and on a good day 90k
Readable content don't get deleted when checked by humans as well
Last two or three days I have been testing engines again, test, check stats and kill the crap
Since people keep banging on about good LpM with kitchen sink links, thought I would try adding some to see what happens
Try a dozen engines at a time, run for 24hrs, zero submissions get binned, try those that are left for a few days, poor verified get binned
I did say I was working on getting verified up, once I beat the 1/4 million daily submissions
GSA SER Settings:
Projects Settings:
It took me about three months of testing and analysis to get ser to 200k plus submissions daily.
A lot of work went into it in the days I went from 6 LpM upwards
I remember when I popped the 100k cherry with ser and thought that was good
Bit like breaking the sound barrier
I know editing the blog engine files can give a boost. One edit on each file, change the "use blog engine" or how ever it is worded from a 1 to a 0
Any engines I use, I rename the files, then update at my own leisure after Sven tweaks them
Takes a bit of time setting up initially But it also makes mass deletion of poor performers a breeze.
Kill one engine file and its job done
What I do is an initial test with the basic engines
Use out the box engines so to speak.
The ones I keep and use, I then go through the footprints and only use foot prints that return high results of searches.
That then leaves you with another problem, each ser update, the engine files get over written
So I edit the names of the engine files and add a simple -me on them
Each ser update, those engine files remain untouched
My engine files folder has a lot of engines like this in it
Then, if I find an engine that's not performing that well after I decide to use it, I can delete the "-me" version and its deleted globally in seconds
The other day I spent two hours editing engines to the latest version
Only to have a ser update done with a load more engines edited. Trust me, I was so happy
You should just sell your engine files!
Seriously, though... Thanks for all the advice and tips. I have been tweaking/testing based on the info that you and others have shared and I am slowly but steadily climbing up in LPM and verified links.
It would have taken so much longer if not for the "nudges in the right direction" that has been shared, So, I appreciate it!
Speeding Up LPM - Another Easy Method
Another way to get a lot of links built is to understand the nature of your projects.
For example, let's say you have 12 T1's, and 60 junk tiers.
You know you have low link limits on your T1's, and their link requirement will get filled pretty damn quick. The problem is these projects are pretty much on pause the majority of the day because they got filled very quickly at the beginning of the day.
Instead, start your day with only the small projects being active => the T1's, and any other low-link project aimed at your moneysite. Give that 2 hours (or less) to get those done first.
Then stop SER, inactivate those T1's, and now activate all other junk tiers. And let that run for 22 hours. Now you will see some serious LPM.
This is not to replace what @Lee said. This is something you can do in addition to what @Lee suggests.
Tried that idea ron and it sucks
I found you get a better LpM and submission rate by running on scheduler mode
The t1's hit their max and stop anyway
But that's just my own experience
I'm doing it right now, and it is rocking - but I am using scheduler. So scheduler for the T1's, and scheduler for the junk. I'm just separating the runs.
For whatever reason that I can't explain, some of my T1's have a hard time getting their orders filled when mixed with junk tiers. It's almost like SER wants to keep going fast, so it favors the junk tiers even though I have them on lower priority. When I just run the T1's together, I get all the links I'm supposed to have. And that's what started me down this path.
So highlight the t1's and run the second scheduler option then
I still miss the early days of the scheduler running in order. You knew all tiers were getting a fair bash then
I have checked and found that 90% engines already set to "use blog search=0"
then why we modify engine files?
I personally don't use any blog engines listed in the search engines I use
So why have engines set to use blog engines