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tier 1 - index or not

Hi guys,
Do you use any kind of service to index your tier 1 backlinks? I m not talking about your tier 2 backlinks. I m just wondering if i should use a indexing service to index my tier 1 links because i haven t started to create my tier 2 yet, and when i check ahrefs/majesticseo i see very few of my tier 1 indexed, something like 10%. Should i try to index them by myself? How long does it take for my tier 1 to get indexed if i just let them to index naturally?
I hope i was clear enough, if not, i m happy to answer your questions.
Thanks :)


  • Tim89Tim89
    I would recommend processing your tier 1 links for indexing yes.

    If you are not progressively trying to get your tier 1 links indexed using any method then most of the time links go un-noticed, especially the links SER creates, there is more of a chance your links will naturally become indexed if they are on established sites such as wordpress / tumblr etc, but as I said, very few links will organically become indexed with such low quality type links.

    It's very beneficial to index all your links, you will most definitely see an increase in indexed links looking at ahrefs/majestic seo when you subscribe for an indexing service.
  • Thank you Tim89. I m gonna try to index them and i will update this post if i m not gonna forget. :)
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