@Sven, sometimes when I stop SER, there remain around 5 threads which won't stop. So I can't close the program and some project remain in 'Stopping' mode. How can I prevent this?
@Sven this is happening to me still. It was only on the two problematic servers I had, but I dropped one of them. Now I'm getting it on a few other servers as well.
@Sven I just submitted three bug reports from three different servers.
2 are from the same VPS host, and 1 is from a different host.
I have 17 servers from that host and only these two are giving me trouble. They're all the same version of windows, no updates, same versions of SER and CB, Dropbox is the only other program installed.
If it were the DLL problem, wouldn't you expect it to happen regularly and on all of the servers? All of the servers run the same site list with 20k urls so they go through every URL multiple times per day and all of them will hit https sites at least once an hour. I just checked the list and there are about 150 https URLs in this current list.
I don't know if this helps, but if a campaign won't release the threads, I can still run other campaigns. The real problem occurs with the scheduler because it never starts the next cycle.
@Sven, would it help if I sent bug reports from servers that are working correctly? Would that help to compare the two servers? I have a bunch of identical servers from the same host, some work, some don't.
no not at all. With the new update, I don't even see any issue anymore. The hanging threads are on the way to quit but something on your system is prefenting this.
@Sven I have 17 servers from one company, they're all the exact same setup and it only happens on a couple of them. The others work perfectly. I would agree it was my systems if it happened on all of them. I've submitted bug reports for 9.19 where this is still happening.
@monie@ptr22 is correct. Not all of the links are saved. I have to quit from task manager multiple times per day which loses links on all of the recently run campaigns.
yes, but all the same as the one from @Brandon ...it hangs deep inside a windows api ... I have no idea why and from where in my thread it is coming from.
it seems like there is a problem with file access. If it helps, try to disable site lists and see if that does a change. As well as any other file access like log files and so on. Even though I never changed anything on that part it looks that this is coming from a file access. Maybe even a damaged file on your hard disk.
This project is stopping for over 2 hours: @Sven, could you add an option to kill threads of a project if it can't be stopped? This problem with projects that won't stop happens to me all the time, so now I need to stop everything, kill SER process and restart it with some last links being lost.
Sorry no, that would be a dirty fix and Im more interested in finding the real cause of this. Even though you might think this is an issue happening on many systems, it is just a few...
I have fixed the problem above on my side, sort of, basically what i did is that i have disabled automatic verification of the links, i simply run the campaigns for few hours, stop them, verify the links and everything works fine. I guess there is something wrong with verifying the links while running the campaigns.
I have auto-verify on as well. Thanks @Sven.. Btw I'll be happy with the dirty fix if nothing else helps, because now it happens every time I try to stop one project
Got that problem with one project not stopping again, pressed the stop button to stop all projects and then got this error: So I sent a bug report (3 minutes ago) - might be related to the problem
@Sven, I ran it as you requested without the Log enabled and without any site lists enabled. It ran yesterday and today was frozen with 3 threads. I'm submitting a bug report right now.
2 are from the same VPS host, and 1 is from a different host.
I have 17 servers from that host and only these two are giving me trouble. They're all the same version of windows, no updates, same versions of SER and CB, Dropbox is the only other program installed.
If it were the DLL problem, wouldn't you expect it to happen regularly and on all of the servers? All of the servers run the same site list with 20k urls so they go through every URL multiple times per day and all of them will hit https sites at least once an hour. I just checked the list and there are about 150 https URLs in this current list.
@Sven has asked for bug reports in the past so send him a few bug reports and put the URL on this thread in the box so he can track it.
@Sven, could you add an option to kill threads of a project if it can't be stopped? This problem with projects that won't stop happens to me all the time, so now I need to stop everything, kill SER process and restart it with some last links being lost.
Sorry no, that would be a dirty fix and Im more interested in finding the real cause of this. Even though you might think this is an issue happening on many systems, it is just a few...
Im a bit clueless why this happens ... still.
Thanks @Sven.. Btw I'll be happy with the dirty fix if nothing else helps, because now it happens every time I try to stop one project
So I sent a bug report (3 minutes ago) - might be related to the problem