bestimtoolzHigh PR WEB 2.0 posting service - affordable !
Ive meant the purpose of sending them to indexer ,sorry (;
The comment pages which already have hundreds of comments are already indexed so I just wondering do you see any benefit of sending comments to indexer
Sure you're correct in assuming that the page is already indexed therefore it might confuse you as to why you would want to try and re-index an indexed page, but this is not what you would want to achieve, the reasoning for submitting them for indexing is so the page is re-crawled, re-cached and once this happens, your link will hold value, the page needs to be re-crawled/cached, for any beneficial value from your link.
So in my opinion, yes, it is very beneficial to index your comments. (not re-indexing, but resubmitting them for re-crawling / caching them).
bestimtoolzHigh PR WEB 2.0 posting service - affordable !
Sure you're correct in assuming that the page is already indexed therefore it might confuse you as to why you would want to try and re-index an indexed page, but this is not what you would want to achieve, the reasoning for submitting them for indexing is so the page is re-crawled, re-cached and once this happens, your link will hold value, the page needs to be re-crawled/cached, for any beneficial value from your link.
So in my opinion, yes, it is very beneficial to index your comments. (not re-indexing, but resubmitting them for re-crawling / caching them).