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Incorporate New FCS Networker API into GSA SER



  • bookmarking as I am buying this tomorrow...
  • blakew1251blakew1251 San Francisco North Bay

    What kind of platforms are you folks using in GSA SER to tier link back to the FCS verified URLs?
    Contextual only, or some of the non-contextual platforms.


  • NeoleNeole Russia

    I have recently purchased GSA SER and FCS Networker and have been using them for the past few days. Now I am using the api to import links from FCS Networker into GSA and build tier 2 backlinks to the links from FCS.

    It appears they both are trying to create functionailty that should be inherently present in the API, and not really succeeding. The first method keeps re-importing the links that were removed by GSA for not having the target url. The second method wants us to import links, then disable the API and then verify for the target url; ideally the api should be running all the time and importing new links every day or so.

    Could I request the ability in the FCS Networker API to only fetch links that contain the target url? After all, FCS Networker knows which links it has posted that contained the target url, and which didn't. Then GSA SER would have to add the option to import using that setting so we get only links with the target url.

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