Any body have problems whit emails in GSA SER all time works fine but today in importan messages says (authentication failed)
none email is working fine & I tested all says all failed including new I just made manually not pass the test
any body can help thanks in advanced
If you're not aware yet, had a MAJOR database breach which caused many account's passwords to be compromised. This, in turn, forced to have those compromised accounts re-verify their accounts via SMS - something we can't offer. That means roughly 20-40% of your accounts will not work any longer. This will not affect your campaigns negatively at all, GSA will simply skip over the accounts that are bad and continue to use the good accounts. The only thing this does is forces you to get new accounts a bit sooner than you originally intended.
Although this situation was completely out of our control, I want to make it right to everyone. For the next 1-2 weeks I will be giving a bonus 50% accounts on every order. This means if you order 1000 accounts, you will actually receive 1500. By doing this, you will receive more good accounts than what you were paying for originally
If you have any questions at all regarding this, please feel free to reply back to this email. Information regarding the breach can be found here:
Neil Emeigh
BanditIM Admin