Ok, This seems to not be working with the import of URL´s?
Does this only save sites when running the Search Engine Identify, Submit, Verify process?
I just changed directories and ran again with most filter off and a very accurate Pligg list imported - got 138 submitted but nothing in any of the folder defined in options for Create Lists of Found Sites
I cleared history & caches and imported new list ...
I unchecked Verified Only ... so now it saves Submitted now in the correct folder in the correct type-name - but what it doesn't save is any Verified now nor any Identified ...
To me this is a bug ... If I import a list of URL's I expect it to run the identification first and sort the import lists into the platform types or names which is specificed in the options.
When the list is being processed any URL submitted should go in submitted folder and likewise any verified urls should then be added to Verified folder but the url should remain in Submitted file still.
Thats what i though. Not a bug, just the way its currently implemented, eg:
submitted only
verified only
I agree that it would be better to have all 3 types saved to different folders if the options are selected. In the current form it does not make sense to allow both options to be selected if they are mutually exclusive.
+1 for saving all 3. I do not see any reason why not identified should saved too into a database - beside verified and submitted ones. @Sven: Please add this Would be great, especial to retest processed sites with a new project.
Yes, it is a bug ... or poorly implemented as if you watch the Global Site List Video it says it will save in both Successful and Verified but it doesn't - now I can see it has been changed so you can only select 1 option. I agree importing URL's should be Identified first > Successfully Submitted > Verified
It changed with v4.12 - Now you can only select one ...
The way I see the functionality is that it should store:
Unknown - with timestamp to a folder allowing you to rerun these when new platforms added / identified Identified - when importing or adding new URL - identified and platform saves here Submitted - All submitted links - Anything submitted in all projects Verified - All verified links - All verified links from all projects
Hmm saving the unknown is a to much in my eyes. There would be so many sites you don't want to handle anyway. You can save unknown when parsing together the site lists though.
1 create lists of found sites
2 only for succesful submissions
3 only for verified submissions
thought I had it but after this conversation I am a little confused
I have to have 1 checked and both 2,3 unchecked in order to collect all
identified/submitted/verified right ?
Does this only save sites when running the Search Engine Identify, Submit, Verify process?
I just changed directories and ran again with most filter off and a very accurate Pligg list imported - got 138 submitted but nothing in any of the folder defined in options for Create Lists of Found Sites
I unchecked Verified Only ... so now it saves Submitted now in the correct folder in the correct type-name - but what it doesn't save is any Verified now
To me this is a bug ... If I import a list of URL's I expect it to run the identification first and sort the import lists into the platform types or names which is specificed in the options.
When the list is being processed any URL submitted should go in submitted folder and likewise any verified urls should then be added to Verified folder but the url should remain in Submitted file still.
The way I see the functionality is that it should store:
Unknown - with timestamp to a folder allowing you to rerun these when new platforms added / identified
Identified - when importing or adding new URL - identified and platform saves here
Submitted - All submitted links - Anything submitted in all projects
Verified - All verified links - All verified links from all projects
Now only the handling of the unknown - is it possible to save all unknown on import run to unknown folder with a file with a timestamp?
For example GSA Site List\Unknown\Unknown_20120906_1624.txt
This would allow of unknowns to be reprocessed in future to identify extra potential sites when new platforms are added?