thanks too @tommy99 . I have some more cool features planned to add that it confuses me on when I should stop beta and go with actual release version! The more features to add, the more need to test, thus, the use of beta.
This tool is AWESOME. I've been using it for a while and it saves me a **TON** of time.
For those who have not tried it yet, you don't understand what you're missing. This is NOT a paid endorsement ... I just want to publicly thank dmrt for creating, supporting and continuing to improve this bit of software. As soon as I get my head around integrating BLM.... I'll be even more over the moon!
Thanks @Mexiken! This tool has grown from a very little tool into something more flexible because of your support and donations too. They motivated me to also make this available here.
Although the BLM ser feature is already very workable, I haven't updated it since for now, I concentrated on the bulk project improvements. Also I haven't really decided yet if I'll redo the whole BLM feature since found out that the way I built it currently might not be that user-friendly for all. Something that I have to weigh on and reconsider.
Also for all current users, some limitations of the bulk proj feature that I can think of right now:
- It doesn't contain all the formats for the ser projects data and option keys. I originally thought that users can supply those keys that don't have format yet. Currently defined formats can be found at bulkproj.ini, [Bulk_Form_Formats] section.
- haven't tried LazyBlue for other languages, but should still work for most languages.
- there's currently an issue with my ser project reader/writer, wherein there's a limitation to the number of characters users can assign. (will update this when ready, since tomorrow is a Sunday. )
- BulkProj: When adding box/es, LazyBlue will now prompt for those 'keys' that it hasn't defined a format yet. User can also use the default format of 'not multi-line, with Only get 1st line and remove other lines'.
-BulkProj: For Previous version, when adding a box, it will always take the position after the last box. Now, if there is a blank spot(not containing a box on the UI), then adding a new box will take that blank spot.
-BulkProj: corrected some * anchor text option keys.
changed format from combobox 'yes' or 'no' to 'not multi-line':
use generic anchor text
use domain anchor text
use secondary anchor text
use branding anchor text
use citation
use lsi anchor text
use partial anchor text
use anchor variation
use url variation
use main url variation
- BulkProj: added 'innerp'(inner preview) format to handle the 'skip * list' options. Here are the 'skip * list':
Hey @Botman, for the auto-replace emails, it's still in the works, but below is what it currently looks like. Can't say on when it will also be finished, I'll just announce when it's done. Thanks
Hi guys, latest update now optimized the comparer feature. I now recommend this when editing ser projects options/engines/data values with LazyBlue.
The easy edit of bulk projects options + back-up + comparer feature I think are a good combo when editing bulk projects options.
- Optimized Comparer feature, which I do recommend now to use when changing project options. Right-click on the projects box, then 'Comparer and Restorer'
Thanks man i will definitely give this a shot now. Will report back.
For those who have not tried it yet, you don't understand what you're missing. This is NOT a paid endorsement