[SockError: Connection refused] is this a proxy error?
in Need Help
I recently switched to a new proxy service provider from buyproxies.
I am seeing a few download failed messages
1/3 download failed (Return: -, Proxy: XXX.182.120.135:80, SockError: Connection refused) - http://www.articlerich.com/signup1.php
Is this a proxy error? Should I go back to buyproxies?
In the end, there was still no confirmation. Proxy guys said it's not their problem, and @Sven said it's not his SER problem. I believe @Sven, coz I don't seem to have this problem.
And I also remembered what @ron said, if it doesn't hurt your link building process (LpM, VpM, etc), just ignore the message...
There was a long discussion, and if you implemented and understood half of what was said, you'd be in good shape.
Believe me, if there's a long discussion and there are no answers - then you probably won't get any.
Answers is a relative term, of course.