adding a new post to the same Web 2.0 Blog
HI Guys, I cant get my head around how I can add a second post to my Web 2.0 Blogs which I already craeted and which have each 1 post already. How do I submit to the same Web 2.0 Blog a second post? do I do that by just selecting the same Web 2.0 Engines I already have created accounts for and use the same email accounts as before. Sorry I should never have asked that questions, I am embarrassed. 

What I cant understand is how to add and submit a fresh new post to those same blogs which already have one post published.
Allow Posting on Same Site Again – Checking this will allow you to post multiple times to the same Web 2.0 account
Time to wait between two posts – This allows us to set up a publishing schedule
Maximum Posts per account – This allows how many articles can be posted per account