Premium lists, Gscraper and other methods gives very low vpm, please help!
I'm trying to build my own verified list and then use it for churn and burn methods,
but getting very bad results, i think 1 step is missing.
My setup:
but getting very bad results, i think 1 step is missing.

My setup:
- VPS with dual core proc. and 4Gb rams
- 500 Threads
- 60 semi dedicated proxies
- absolutly no PR or OBL filters
- a few bad word filter (same for domains as well)
- 2000 e-mails in project
- Bought approximetly 5 verified lists, fiverr (2pcs) and premium lists (3 pcs) as well (over 500.000 urls together) -> My results: way under 1% verified links
- Scraped my own list with Gscraper, 700k keyword list, footprints from SER (tryed with article footprints), over 8 mill. urls -> My results: way under 1% verified links
- Found some churn and burn sites blasted with SER, downloaded their backlinks, over 500K urls -> My results: way under 1% verified links
- etc...
Right now i've got approx. 12.000 verified (CRAP) list full with URLshortener, blog comments, exploits and indexer services, which i think not the best type of links .
I got a lot of error messages from these types:
- no engine matches
- wrong engine
- already parsed
If i insert more footprints to SER will that improve her platform recognition? Or footprints are used just for scraping in SER?
What am I doing wrong? Or am I missing something?
Anyone would be so kind and point me to the right direction please?
Thank You!
After i got some real good results will invest in a dedi and in more proxies.
(Articles, blog comments, social bookmarks, social networks, web 2.0s, forum, directory, wiki)
Tested 3 different bought verified lists and results are:
1. list - from 50000 (verified) urls - 5000 submitted - 500 verified => 1%
2. list - from 37000 (verified) urls - 4500 submitted - 600 verified => 1.6%
3. list - from 15000 (verified) urls - 5500 submitted - 900 verified => 6%
3rd. list is promising, but i think it's still too low
Still a lot of "no engine match" and "wrong engine" messages
Would You please test my list to see what percentage You get from it?
Also if You, or someone could send me a little, but TRUE verified list urls to test how many links i can get from it, that would help me a lot.
Just didn' thought i will get below 5% of it with 1 project.
Will try 1 list full with 5 projects, let's see what happens
Thanks @satyr85.
So that means i only can get an avarage of 695 verified urls from someone's 37000 pre verified list. That is approximetly: 1.9%.
Is this normal?
I can't belive it
I'm really suffering with this, if someone heavy SER user would please help me.
Though, i will help you. First i woukd try to scrape for engines that i have the most success with. Second i would scrape for other spammers footprints. Third find footprints of not so spammed engines etc
Im sure that will help.
Thanks for the good advices, i will deffenetly try them out.
@satyr85 Yep that's true, and maybe i was naive with the bought premium lists too (those were not from fiverr). (i had same results with them)
Thank You guys!
Will scrape my own stuff and will be back in a few days with results.