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I Give you my verified list with 150K Lists, no dupes

edited October 2014 in Buy / Sell / Trade
I want to say thanks you to everybody here for their helps, tips and advice, so i give for free my personal List of verified Links.
About 150K, no dupes.

Please don't spam the list because if you do so, the list will be useless.

Many thanks to all of you and sven for this awesome software, for me the best of all.


  • edited May 2014
    lol you posted it publicly and expect people to not spam it . this list is good for nothing now .
  • manubossmanuboss
    i hope so. If yes i will turn my gscraper on and scrap more site, and i'm not mad and don't share all my verified Linklist
  • oh god why
  • edited May 2014
    How can you ask people to not spam the list? I'm murdering any lists I can get my hands on and so does a lot of other people...

    Edit: Oh, and I hope you're not taking us for fools.. The self promotion is painfully obvious. Nonetheless, I surely appreciate the share and I'll make good use of this :)
  • manubossmanuboss
    it's crazy, i give a free 150K list and everybody tell me to not do that or to taking you for fools.

    Like i said, i scrap my own list, i'm not given all my linklist because i know that later this list will be shared all over the net and will be useless.

    I just give it for free to thanks you Sven, This forum and everybody that helped me with GSA. That's all, i'm generous and i give it for free.

    Just enjoy and don't search dark idea for "why i do that"

  • goonergooner
    @manuboss - Thanks for your share :)

    Yes, the links will be murdered but there are some people that have a small list and/or maybe can't afford to buy lists and they will surely appreciate your share.
  • manubossmanuboss
    Hey Friends! Want more? Just put another 100K verified LinkList in the same Post. Enjoy
  • Why exhibit in sharing their lists? are you friends with your brain?
  • manuboss i subscribed for second list but did not get anything
  • manubossmanuboss
    @botman List Sent by PM

    @useruser1 why asking so much questions, Just be happy and say thank you
  • Amazing share mate :) thank you
    Just 10k article URLs is enough to say a bşig thank you instead people complaining :)
    We are living in a  funny world, aren't we
  • this is like african kid #1 giving african kid #2 food and african kid #2 yelling at african kid #1
  • edited May 2014
    Guess I was right...

    Edit: Oh, and you might want to take a look at the rules you're breaking
  • manubossmanuboss
    @fakenickahl There are many members here that sell service, why can't i offer mine?
    I'm to taking you for fools, I give for free a list, and just offer another one if you want more.

    Others members that sell service , they don't give freebies, and everybody are happy with their services, so go to all the thread in the sell/buy section and tell everybody what you writting me. If everybody that sell something are taking you for fools so it will be the end of commerce and industry
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with selling a service as long as you're not breaking the rules. I just wanted to point out the self promotion from the beginning, and I just found it funny that you made it even more obvious just now.

    Good luck with your sales though.
  • manubossmanuboss
    Thanks for wishing me good sale.

    At the beginning i don't planning selling a list. But at the end i thinking about this. Anyway you can do as you want, Test for free, and buy if you are happy, so no big surprise
  • cherubcherub
    @manuboss, if you want to sell a service via the forum, please read the guidelines posted by @s4nt0s that @fakenickahl has posted above.
  • manubossmanuboss
    edited May 2014
    @cherub oh ok, i don't know that i have to pay to sell, sorry
     so what? you remove the sell thread and keep the begin with the freelist?
  • cherubcherub
    I would just edit out the sales graphic and link in your post above, then submit a thread to Buy / Sell / Trade for Sven or s4nt0s to approve.
  • manubossmanuboss
    ok, thanks
  • This second 100K  list gave me just 1542 verified links, how that is possible ? :D
  • manubossmanuboss
    Which plateform you tried to submit.

    Do you use filter? Pr, obl, keywords?

    What kind of proxy do you use?
  • haryonoharyono in your heart
    thanks so much my bro
  • i subscribed for second list but did not get anything.
  • manubossmanuboss
    When you subscribe you receive a confirmation link, please search also on your spam box.

    The mail is like this:


    You recently signed up to be notified of new posts on my blog. This means
    once you confirm below, you will receive an email when posts are published.

    To activate, click confirm below. If you believe this is an error, ignore this message
    and nothing more will happen.

    Please Confirm to receive my other Free LinksList and here it's your 100K verified as promised"

    Try to get it, if no, just send me a pm and i will sent you the download link.

  • manubossmanuboss
    Here it is with a new List about 100K+
  • manubossmanuboss
    Already 28 Downloads and not a single Thanks, come on guy! ;-)


    I will share more if people are happy ;-)
  • thanks

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