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  • hey @ron are you ranking your sites using only GSA? if that is the case, what you doing for tier 1?
  • ronron

    @rodol - Yes. It's blowing my mind because I'm used to using a lot more tricks. The best answer to what I am doing is @Ozz's write-up:

  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Bit of Ron porn. I made some more changes

    Not a bad first hour of the days run


  • @LeeG: that's crazy performance. I've had around 8K subs & 1.2K vers per day with my current settings:

    VPS 2GB 2 i5 Bermanhosting, 40 threads, 50 private proxies, 130 timeout, 10s wait time. T1: Domain PR = 2, OBL = 100. T2: Domain PR = 1, OBL = 100, T3: 0 PR, OBL 100. 36 search engines provided by @Ozz. CSX2 0 retry. 15 projects run at 60 min interval.

    Does this sound normal? I've always had CPU usage maxed out so a bit worried that GSA may crash my server. 
  • ronron
    Very impressive. Did you feed it a list? I finally cracked 30k, but without any lists.
  • edited December 2012

  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    I dont feed it any kind of lists now. A good list of search engines that gives plenty of results and plenty of keywords

    Global site lists are used, but only submitted and verified. Why waste time building a list of identified sites and waste another nanosecond :)

    Not a bad first 12hrs of the day. Memory was was low and gsa was managing resources when I checked the vps today. Im desperate to break that 100k submissions markimage

  • Seeing as we're sharing images:
  • @ 40k club members ;)

    are those contexual links [like web2, ariticles, wiki] or mix of blog comments, guestbook spam etc?
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Im still sulking after seeing those numbers :)

    But the 100k club aint far off today

  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Bit more Ron pornimage

  • ronron
    That is insane. Seriously, that does more than excite me.
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