New New New....guess I messed up
in Need Help
I checked a SERP checker lastnight for one of my KW and it was at 104 .........letting links build,...and looked at it this afternoon and its down to 225 ,...does that mean I have really screwed the pooch with my first try with building links using ser?
sorry for a ding dong question, trying to learn
sorry for a ding dong question, trying to learn
Check rankings once per week or month even to obtain a proper indication if what you are doing is good or bad.
thank you very much for your time and answers,
@Hollywood691 I'll be happy to help you, ey lifes' too short to learn SEO, plus I'd like to do a good deed, throw me your backup projects and I'll see what you're doing and write a summary of what I think you should change, if you think that would help you.
I wouldn't worry much