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8.50 bugs



  • SvenSven
    send me login details in pm and I have a look.
  • hi @sven i just updated to 8.59 and instead of the download failed errors as above, i keep getting this:

    11:28:13: [-] 036/102 download failed (Return: -, SockError: Connection timed out) -

    the same "sockerror" keeps appearing" and once gsa ser runs, i cannot surf net with my browser.

    diff error msg but same problem.

    may i know what is wrong???
    this pc has been sitting idle for almost 2 weeks now..... :(
  • ronron
    edited June 2014
    @hardcorenuker - You should try the upgrade to v8.59. Minimal download faileds. 250 LPM all day long. 100k+ verified. I would make the switch. 
  • cherubcherub
    once gsa ser runs, i cannot surf net with my browser

    Sounds very much like poor router issues. Consider upgrading it, a fritzbox or similar will be able to handle the load your're sending.
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