A few questions - how-to's - Thank you
Still newbie user. And was wondering if someone can give input to some of these.
1) Was using NoHandsSEO - How to i import all the confirmed urls so they are not targeted for posting again for a project that will target the same domain.
2) If I want to target just one Amazon product for example - or only a hand full of products to promote on a product website (direct money site) - How do I best do this?
3) Does anyone know where to buy a software to automatacally create hotmale email account, yahooo email accounts, etc.... bulk email accounts where it will use the Capatcha sniper that I also bought?
4) Oh yes, what about the g**gle analyst code - right now their code is on the domains (money sites) that I will be building backlinks - Should we have that g code running on the site - or does it not matter?
Thank you all
Still newbie user. And was wondering if someone can give input to some of these.
1) Was using NoHandsSEO - How to i import all the confirmed urls so they are not targeted for posting again for a project that will target the same domain.
2) If I want to target just one Amazon product for example - or only a hand full of products to promote on a product website (direct money site) - How do I best do this?
3) Does anyone know where to buy a software to automatacally create hotmale email account, yahooo email accounts, etc.... bulk email accounts where it will use the Capatcha sniper that I also bought?
4) Oh yes, what about the g**gle analyst code - right now their code is on the domains (money sites) that I will be building backlinks - Should we have that g code running on the site - or does it not matter?
Thank you all

1) You can import URLs when you show the verified URLs of a project (popup menu). Though you would need a text file with one URL each line. IF you don't have this, it doesn't matter anyway as the program will see the created link before posting to the site and adds that link to the verified URLs without posting again.
2) Either one project and add all URLs to it (make sure you enable the option to verify exact URL if it's a Amazon URL) or you make one Project for each product (propably better idea as you can target it better with correct keywords).
3) I don't think there is anything like that. People usually buy email accounts.
4) No clue but I think it doesn't matter.
2) What Sven said is absolutely correct. If the products are different, you want a separate project with keywords and anchors all relevant to the specific product you are marketing.
3) You can build a bot with something like Ubot for something like $200, or you can spend $5 at fiverr and buy several hundred hotmails which will probably last you 6 months. I do the fiverr deal and it is money well spent.
4) Not sure what you mean but that code is irrelevant to what you are doing with GSA. It is just tracking code. It doesn't go on anything other than the money site.
Thank you @sven, @d3ad, @ron, @Ozz, @s4nt0s and @LWD
First got errors about the get command - so i used the Curl version but its still not tracking.
Arg, I have spent all day on this
Its a nice program to see stats in real time. If anyone had this same issue and figured it out please let me know, Thank you
@d3ad to get the local tracking file to work did you install pdo?
Thank you
Have you set up the user "UserTrackingAPI" correctly and asigned admin rights for the websites you want to track?
your piwik.php should look like this :
// Edit the line below, and replace http://piwik-server.com/piwik/
// with your Piwik URL ending with a slash.
// This URL will never be revealed to visitors or search engines.
$PIWIK_URL = 'http://yoursite.com/';
// Edit the line below, and replace xyz by the token_auth for the user "UserTrackingAPI"
// which you created when you followed instructions above.
$TOKEN_AUTH = '2a2123bn56abc6879defg534'
and do not forget the / at the and of your $PIWIK_URL
the tracking code hase to be like this:
<!-- Piwik -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var pkBaseURL = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://yoursite.com/" : "http://yoursite.com/");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + pkBaseURL + "piwik.php' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
</script><script type="text/javascript">
try {
var piwikTracker = Piwik.getTracker(pkBaseURL + "piwik.php", 3);
} catch( err ) {}
<!-- End Piwik Tracking Code -->
delete the following line from the original tracking code:
<script>src="http://yourpiwikserverurl/piwik.php?idsite=1" style="border:0" alt="" /></p></noscript>
and change piwik.js to piwik.php here:
<!-- Piwik -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var pkBaseURL = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://yoursite.com/" : "https://yoursite.com/");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + pkBaseURL + "piwik.php' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<!-- Piwik -->
if everithing is set up correctly, it should work.
Yes its all the same for me. The only thing is i have a directory password and it did work before i created the local piwik.php version.
[code] AuthType Basic
AuthName "Jello_Red"
AuthUserFile "..thepathwashere/.htpasswds/public_html/passwd"
require valid-user
<Files "*">
require valid-user
<Files ~ "^piwik\.(js|php)|robots\.txt$">
Allow from all
Satisfy any
The only thing different from their example is mine is in a subfolder called /stat/ instead of /piwik/
And that all checks correct.
Its very odd. Oh i did confirm that just having mysqli is fine.
Im sure its something easy. Before when i was testing I forgot i used noscript - and so it was not recording the visit, then i allowed noscript then it showed the visit. Before adding the local version of the piwik.php file, i even tested the img src line to see if it tracked with noscript turned back on and it did.
But if i understand how this works with this piwik.php file, it does not matter if noscript is turn on at the track website or the stats website
It was all working fine till i made these changes to proxy the landing script location
I realized that i had tested using two browsers FF and Chrome - BUT both have noScript and what ever its called in chrome. So this morning I launched IE - (i never use IE - so it is in its raw state - No plugins) and sure enough the visit was logged.
BUT this sucks because - when we insert the new code - we removed the fall back img code that would track even if there is javascript blockage.
Oh and i should say the issue with noscipt is not the site they are visiting - they can approve that, but the one hidden is the site where the visits are logged. They can not approve that one at all....
What does others do to be able to track?