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RFI login to fix links

edited November 2012 in Need Help

Noob alert: I just started GSA SER today, and I expect to post many more Requests For Information (RFI).

I am posting videos. Later, I hope to embed video.

How can I log into a submit site and use that account? 

The missing ingredients are login and password.  During setup, I opted for random login and password.  Is it lost forever?


Possible second RFI: the video module burns captchas AND STILL relentlessly prompts me with dropdowns and asks me to solve captchas.  I want it to ask, but my service should solve them.  Is there a problem with the script for clipshare?

FINAL COMMENT: The "submitted" column is mislabelled.  "Pending" would be closer to its actual meaning which is "unverified".  This error could be a German thing.  Citizens of the UK and USA have a single strong bond; a distaste for the English language.  Please don't strip away the meanings of words in it, or else we will have no incentive to use any language at all.



  • OzzOzz
    edited November 2012
    1) project options -> tools -> export -> account data

    project options -> options -> check "ask all (or just 1st) service to solve captchas"

    "if a form field can't be filled" -> choose random

    Also make sure that in options -> captcha -> "finally ask user if everythings fails" is unchecked.
  • 4 correct answers.  I only know number 4 beforehand.
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