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Clean Up Not Working Properly

edited March 2014 in Bugs
I had a 100k verified list, less than 2 weeks old. It had 2000 wordpress article links on it.

I ran it through cleanup and when done i had 6900 Wordpress article links.

Obviously, something is wrong. No way 4900 have suddenly become Wordpress article engines in the last 2 weeks.


  • SvenSven
    guess they previously have been tagged as blog comment engines?
  • goonergooner
    I don't know, but if cleanup moves good verified links to a different engine then it defeats the purpose of cleanup right? hehe
  • SvenSven
    well usually it should not happen. I need some sample to debug this.
  • goonergooner
    Ok thanks @sven, should i send you a sitelist before cleanup and the same one after cleanup?
  • SvenSven
    yes please
  • cherubcherub
    I get this too, I think it is because the Wordpress Article engine is rather greedy as to what it identifies. Maybe an option could be added to only check urls that you are cleaning up against the same engine category.
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