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URL variations

edited September 2012 in Need Help
I use the function "Use URL variations" 

I always write the URL in the URL field as

I get some variation as HTTP:// but never variations as  ,   or


  • SvenSven

    variations will be...



    If you don't have www. in the original URL, it will not add it as usually this is not working if you have already subdomains. Also remember that browsers correct the domain name case when you hover over it. They make it all lowercase.

  • Thanks Sven for the explanation about URL variation

    maybe you could add in the to do list a way to have all the variation especially without http and www to look more natural to the search engines since a lot of persosn can put a link using these variations

  • SvenSven
    Hmm I don't get what you requesting really. The URL variation option is doing exactly this as written above. There is nothing else I can add to make it look different but keep the URL working.
  • so can you not add a way to remove the http:// or add the www if the URL is ?
  • SvenSven
    Adding www. is nothing I will do as some urls will not work than. Deleting www. usually works however. removing http:// is not working as it would than not be a valid url to submit.
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