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Lindexed problem

LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne
edited March 2013 in Need Help

Since doing yesterdays ser update, looking at my Lindexed panel, I have had no new lists added

Has anyone else had the same



  • Just checked, mine is working fine. However, I do have weird days where what's showing in my Lindexed panel is way off from what it should be.
  • have discussed a similar problem with @sven per mail; hope he fixes it with the next version;
    have around 50k verified daily links but in lindexed are only projects added with around 10k verified links per day!

  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Cheers for that guys.

    I left renewing my subscription until a bit late

    It ran out yesterday and I renewed an hour after it had ran out

    So I thought it best to check here first

    I have noticed with thousands of verified a day, few get sent through.

    Im sure it was something to do with how verified links were passed onto indexers in ser release number 4.85

  • ronron
    Yes, I only get a fraction put through. Once a week I sort the verified list for all projects by date (after re-verifying first), and just do a dump since my previous check.
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    Just checked my account and its on fire

    Loads of links being sent through now :D

    Every couple of minutes I have new links being sent through

  • ronron
    Yeah, I have links being sent through a lot, but it just doesn't seem to add to what my verified is for the day. Check that out Lee.
  • The same here! everything is fine! i have now the maximum links per day  in lindexed! fine, thanks too sven!

  • ronron
    Now that's two of you guys saying it's fixed. I will believe you (and double check).
  • LeeGLeeG Eating your first bourne

    I was getting about five or six submissions a day with Lindexed

    Now Im getting entries every five minutes :)

  • SvenSven
    OK here is what I have changed on that indexer: The API said it can handle GET and POST calls...I always used the GET one but seems it has a problem with many URLs. So POST fixed it than.
  • thanks so far sven! great, the same experience like @LeeG ;-) i am running out of the 50k allowed submitted entries...have to upgrade or buy another subscription! =) thanks bye the way @LeeG for your explantations how to get much better submission numbers.... =)
  • ronron

    I just checked the numbers. It definitely works. Previously I was getting a lot of submissions, but the link count was way below my verified numbers.

    Thanks so much @sven! One less manual chore.

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