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de-captcher and SER

edited November 2012 in Need Help
I recently banned by DBC [still don't know why] i tried  On their website it says $2 for 1000 but when  i test it on SER it says 'we charge $6 for 1000' which one is it $6 or $2 per 1k captcas..


  • SvenSven
    it's 6USD
  • thats bit expensive..

    has anyone tried ShaniBPO or Image Typerz..hows their performance?
  • SvenSven

    nothing we can do here as we are forced to do this due to a contract we had with someone.

    Anyway ShaniBPO should be fine when it is online. 

  • ShaniBPO looks like a great solution! Can't wait until that's added to GSA :)
  • ShaniBPO and lots of others are already added or did I just misunderstood you??! 
    -> Options -> Captchas -> click on actual Captcha Service to change the service

  • Yes, just saw it. It's way back on the list, never clicked that far through. Thanks for pointing it out. :)
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