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GSA Search Engine Ranker - How To Import Competitor's Baclinks

I am fairly new to GSA Search engine ranker software and one of the things I am having trouble understanding is the idea of the "engines" and particularly adding more engines or footprints to increase the targets found.
Can anyone help me with the following questions
1. How can I take a list of competitors backlinks(either full link or just domain) and import them into GSA Ser so that they are used to post to?
2. With that list of competitor backlinks, how do I add any non-existing engines in my GSA software to learn those new platforms?
3. Is there any place to buy real working new "engines" to import into GSA Ser?

I really appreciate any help or advice you could give me.


  • SvenSven

    1. Prepare a text file having one URL each line and right click on the project->import target URLs->...

    2. Take a text editor and start scripting ;) 


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