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GSA Content changes

I am using last one month same content submission, I have doubts about this.
How many days once, we have to change the GSA submission content.


  • Depends how many links you are creating and how well spun the content is.

    Ideally at least once a month, but the more you load up at the beginning, the less you have to change
  • I am using wicked artcile creater, i was submitted last one month same content.
    @davbel how many days once i have to change the content?
  • Wicked Article Creator content needs refreshing on a regular basis (at least once a month). This is why most people move on to something like Kontent Machine.
  • Anyone have any issue with the auto fill of Wicked Article Creator?

    I got recently an error with WAC it says (( Sorry But I Was Unable To Fill From WAC ))

    Anyone Can Help Me Please How To Resolve This Issue?

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