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Can I Share Same Catchall email With Several Projects?

edited April 2014 in Need Help
Hi @Sven, I've setup a catchall email account. Can I share this catchall email with more than one project? Each project targets a different platform.

Project 1, Article only
Project 2, Social Bookmark only
Project 3, Social Network only
Project 4, Wiki only

E-Mail verification settings
Your E-Mail:
Checked - Time to wait between two logins 30 secs
Unchecked - Delete message when verification link was found
Unchecked - Delete all messages (even if not related)
Checked - Delete message if older than 5 days

Does each project verify their own links only? Hence, Project 1 does not verify links intended for Projects 2, 3, and 4.


  • HinkysHinkys - Catchalls for SER - 30 Day Free Trial
    Yes you can, even if all your projects target the same platform. Project will find and verify their own links and leave other links alone.
  • Thanks @Hinkys, so if the projects find and verify their own links, I guess it's safe for me to Enable - "Delete message when verification link was found", since the random email will be unique anyway.

    One more question, if I Enable - "Delete message if older than 5 days", does it delete ALL emails, even if I've Disabled - "Delete all messages (even if not related)"?

    Preferably, I would like to delete ALL messages including spam after 5 days...
  • HinkysHinkys - Catchalls for SER - 30 Day Free Trial
    Yes, to both of your questions. And it's a very good idea to use the "delete message if older than 5 days" since after a while your inbox will be pretty big and that will slow everything down.
  • Thanks Hinkys...
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