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Importing Target URLs - Import Multiple Times

I think it'd be pretty useful to have a feature as a part of importing target URLs, whether it be via a file, clipboard or site lists, to allow the user to opt to import their choice of file/list multiple times, it'd come in handy for sure when you have a big site list that you want to make sure you get all the juice out of, you would want to run through the list multiple times and importing it repeatedly is a very tedious process. I don't have any ideas on how this feature might be implemented though :/


  • @sven +1 for this feature.
  • I did the following steps:

    1. right click, import target urls(then I just chose copy from clipboard with 1 url)
    2. let ser run
    3. when ser was done with the 1 target url, I then re-imported that same url through right click, import target urls, copy from clipboard
    4. ser did nothing, and then when I checked through right click, show, target urls, it is now blank

    So curious on what's the use of importing the target urls multiple times.
  • edited April 2014
    Crap, still new to this forum, didn't know what accept answer did so I accepted one by accident.. Does that mean it'll be less likely for Sven to take a look at my suggestion now?
  • @dmrt - try to clear target cache for specific project. I follow similiar procedure but that is time consuming and would be great if @xrift suggestion would be implemented.
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