Reposting to the same urls
in Need Help
If i get it right this setting like ive set it up will post for every domain defined to build backlinks to post to the same site again.
So if i define 10 urls to build backlinks to will it post like that in the picture to every site 10 posts 1 for each domain defined to build backlinks to?
And what happens if i turn it of will it post only once for the whole project to the site even tho ive 10 urls defined ? Or will it still post for each url defined once to each site?
So if i define 10 urls to build backlinks to will it post like that in the picture to every site 10 posts 1 for each domain defined to build backlinks to?
And what happens if i turn it of will it post only once for the whole project to the site even tho ive 10 urls defined ? Or will it still post for each url defined once to each site?
what does that mean?