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I wrote a script to auto-create GSA projects from RankerX (like a one-way sync tool)

I want to share something I built in case it would be helpful.

I use RankerX to build tier-2 backlinks, and then I have two GSA instances hitting those with tier-3 links. I think it keeps the tier-2 links alive longer and I've been able to grow a number of domains to DR 40-50 over 4-6 months with this strategy. But I was getting annoyed because I keep forgetting to set up the GSA projects each time RankerX finishes a campaign and it's a lot of clicks!

So, I fixed it and here's the source code:

The script runs under python on Windows. It polls your RankerX instance for completed projects, and when it finds one it sets up a new .prj file in your GSA-SER projects folder and then pings the GSA API so it would refresh itself and start the project. Now GSA can build your T3 backlinks as soon as a RankerX project finishes with basically no work from you.



  • cherubcherub
  • SvenSven
    Thanks a lot for sharing!
  • @Sven Can I insert a tag of some kind into a fresh .prj file to cause GSA to auto-generate a few throw-away emails with the random domains?

    Something like this below set so that it would be understood by GSA as soon as the .prj file is detected

    [email accounts]��0���0�1��0���0�1��0���0�1

  • SvenSven
    usually you don't need to do anything online to create these emails. It would be enough if you add emails to the project file with that given syntax you already figured out above.
  • :)perfect, will give it a go
  • wow, gotta try this, thanks!
  • which version of python will work for this bot? and will this work on a remote server or do I have to use my personal computer? I'm no python expert lol.  Been trying to set up this bot for a week now and its tricky 6
  • sickseosickseo London,UK

    Nice job on the script.

    Does this need to be set up on the same machine, as I have rankerx on different machines to my gsa installs. From the sounds of things it all needs to be on the same machine for it to work?
  • can you please share video tutorial?

  • yes, please help with video tutorial
  • Great. thank you very much. I always use these 2 software at the same time. Let me try it. LOVE This!
  • YamiraanYamiraan Manchester
    zentech said:
    I want to share something I built in case it would be helpful.

    I use RankerX to build tier-2 backlinks, and then I have two GSA instances hitting those with tier-3 links. I think it keeps the tier-2 links alive longer and I've been able to grow a number of domains to DR 40-50 over 4-6 months with this strategy. But I was getting annoyed because I keep forgetting to set up the GSA projects each time RankerX finishes a campaign and it's a lot of clicks!

    So, I fixed it and here's the source code:

    The script runs under python on Windows. It polls your RankerX instance for completed projects, and when it finds one it sets up a new .prj file in your GSA-SER projects folder and then pings the GSA API so it would refresh itself and start the project. Now GSA can build your T3 backlinks as soon as a RankerX project finishes with basically no work from you.

    a video tutorial will be much appreciated, Thanks for sharing 
  • robin69robin69 India
    edited September 2021
    are you developing it further? how to import articles In gsa from rankerx/
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