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Details for Custom Sources

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited September 2021 in GSA Content Generator
The Regular Sources have name, description, and quality/ratings  parameters.

This might be useful for the Custom sources, too!


  • SvenSven
    hmm, but then you better make it a regular source.
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited September 2021
    Is an entry safe in either category, on GSA updates to that (Regular) list? I guess it might be an issue only if a user made changes to the AppData file that contains that data for new project default Regular Sources?
    Entering in the Regular Sources column at the Project Level in GUI is safe, I'd imagine.

    But if I put an entry into the Regular list, I am not prompted to specify number of levels down to search and scrape, nor whether it's a search engine. And I am thinking more of more focused sources, not really appropriate for universal use in the regular list, but still OK for related KWs later...
  • SvenSven
    The regular sources contains only search engine based ones. Everything else is not useful in my eyes and should stay a custom source where you pick niche related websites to take content from.
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