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Recent change to link html code?

cherubcherub UK
edited September 2021 in Bugs
I've noticed recently that links are being added with different variations in the html code, eg

<a href="http://link"></a>
<a href='http://link'></a>
<a href="http://link" /></a>

Whereas usually it was simply <a href="http://link"></a>. I've noticed in a lot of my WP-based engines that if a link is submitted with href='' (single quotes) rather than href="" the link will not get posted correctly. I've had to add:
html to custom link format=1

custom link format=<a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>

to my engines to fix this issue. I haven't had a chance to do much testing with the default engines but am not sure whether it's having an effect on them or not.
Thanked by 1AliTab


  • SvenSven
    OK, thanks for the feedback, I better change that in all wordpress like engines then.
  • This issue may be affecting sites that use the tinyMCE editor on their front end too, but it's difficult to check. But changing my custom link format has gotten rid of empty anchors I was experiencing. If anyone is experiencing contextual links being posted without a href attribute eg. <a>your anchor</a> maybe post some samples so it can be looked into further.
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