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how analyse and post to competitor backlinks feature work

can you explain me how post to competitor backlinks feature work


  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    With "post to competitors backlinks"enabled, SER does the following:

    1. take a random keyword from the project data
    2. do a search on  search engines with this keyword
    3. take the top links returned and do another search with ""
    4. SER tries now to post to all the returned sites from the search in point 3.
    Response by @Sven, creator of GSA SER.

    BTW, like your screen name. ;) This may interest you: My uncle was a member of The Tennessee Squires Association. It was interesting. They'd send him all kinds of odd stuff like letters, photos, and even deed to  a (very) small parcel of land in Tennessee at the distillery. I just looked it up and it actually still exists! This was from when I was a kid.
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