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What happens when u use article from folder macro but run out of articles with project running?

edited November 2019 in Need Help
This happened to me many times. Does this just wait till articles are inserted to folder and skipps such engines ?

PS, i noticed my forum posts are short, so in forums "Forum Comment" Is not an comment but an thread/post yes? (some forum engines have different feature for comments and such comments are 50 words max or something)

Whats safe length for forum comment then? is 1k words (or 1k cgaracters) ok or too long for some engines? (i guess theres no limit on words on forum posts but im not sure if "forum comment" always means forum post)


PS2, desc 250 and desc450 mean max 250 words or max 250 characters?


  • SvenSven
    edited November 2019
    If no article was found or all have been used according to your dupe-settings, it will simply skip posting to the sites and count that as failed.
    if you know what engines/sites use this 50 words limit, let me know and I update the engines.
    you see the counting when entering the text in desc250/450 at the bottom. It's usually characters not words.
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