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When i publish, images are not upload?


Why images are not upload on the wordpress? And the first in featured images?
url of the images are in base64?

Thank you


  • SvenSven
    images are not uploaded indeed, you need to use full urls for them to be hot-linked. But you can also include them directly in the article using base64 encode. Thats an export option but then again, Im not sure if that would work with wordpress.
  • Where is this export option?
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited August 2019
    "But you can also include them directly in the article using base64 encode."

    Sven, would I have to then have the base64 image data embedded (or otherwise included) in the article file, or is there a way to have SER use external image links, encode the selected image, then embed the image data?

    Also, does the base64 encoding of images work for targets other than  Wordpress?

  • SvenSven
    this base64 encoding is not the best thing might even be a copyright problem as you take that image and host it on your webpage.

    I don't know what other platform supports it, my guess is that it is very limited. Each modern browser can understand that though.

    This base64 encoding is available on the publishing option. It's called "Inlining images into HTML".
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    "I don't know what other platform supports it, my guess is that it is very limited. "

    Thanks for the info, Sven :):+1:  I will try the inlining option just to see what it's about. I've seen this used only rarely, a few WordPress templates use this for included styling motifs. I just read that Google will NOT index these images. Maybe that is OK?

    Here's what it looks like, for those (like me) who this is really new to:

    <img src="">

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