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Submissions and verified links reset to 0?

TophatSEOTophatSEO South Africa
Hi there,

I am kinda new to GSA and have everything set up for my main campaign and so far everything is running smoothly. Not blasting it and slowly building up links, but I was wondering why every now and then when I check GSA, my submissions and verified links show 0? The other day it was on 256 and 101, but then this morning when I checked in, it was reset to 0? Since then it has increased again, but I just want to know if it is normal? Are my other links gone?



  • SvenSven
    submitted will move up and down all the time. Those are the links that SER submitted and is constantly checking if they are actually visible or not. If not it will simply remove the link, else it will move it to verified and that counter grows.

    The verified counter can only automatically decrease if you use the re-verify option and the link somehow was removed. If it did that, you can however also recheck them again in the "show verified urls->right click->import verified urls->failed reverify..." dialog.
  • TophatSEOTophatSEO South Africa
    Thank you so much :)

    Just out of curiosity, what could it be if the re-verify option was not ticked?
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