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I have a high LPM but Low VPM

Hi Everyone,
I have a high LPM, but a really low VPM.
Do you know of any way to increase the VPM? Any tips as to how I can improve the VPM?
I have a LPM of about 80 and a VPM of about 9


  • shaunshaun
    What kind of list are you using?
    What kind of engines are selected?
    Do you have it set to verified urls must have exact URL and to verify automatically in the project options tab?
  • I'm using Looplines list
    Im not using anything like SEREngines
    And I have it set to verified urls must have exact URL and it is set to verify automatically

  • Is it possible that submissions have been successful even if they are not verified by SER?
  • shaunshaun
    It is yes but they will most likley verify after a few attempts.

    How many projects do you have?
    How many threads are showing as active in the bottom left of the tool?
  • 45 Projects and 300 threads
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