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Smallest time range?

Hi guys,

what is the smallest time range I can use for GSA Proxy Scraper to export public proxies? My plan was to export every minute and GSA should import every minute (I believe this way I could keep the bad/expired proxies at a minimum). Unfortunately the proxy list which GSA Proxy Scraper produced was not updated. I checked again and again for many minutes. By the way GSA SER and GSA Proxy Scraper are at the same VPS. So my question is does anyone have experiences how small the smallest time range is which I can use?


  • 1linklist1linklist FREE TRIAL Linklists - VPM of 150+ -
    Around 20 minutes works best for us; Remember you need to give it time to actually validate more than a few proxies - 60 seconds is not nearly enough.
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