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High ban-rates on accounts.

Hello everyone. I've tested many different Tools like fcs-networker, rankerx, gsa ser, magic submitter, moneyrobot, articlekevo, autofillmagic and many more...

But it seems, that all of these Tools triggers high ban-rates on - Blogs. I've tried many different ways for posting (40x private-proxy, backconnect-proxies, own ip... ) but everytime ~65 percent of the accounts get banned after the first few submissions.

Does anyone made same experiences? 
How do you guys post to 
Does a workaround exist for this issue?

Thanks for your time!

Best regards


  • SvenSven
    1. use a longer waiting time between creation and posting first article
    2. post first article without links
    3. use good content
  • Wordpress is good in finding automated blogs other than any WEB 2.0 Property. Even Manually Created blogs wont survive if it looks like it is made for linking purpose
  • gsa8mycowsgsa8mycows
    I've had one wp account banned which I set up manually with JS enabled. I posted a few posts in July, setup ifttt to pull my main blog's rss feed summary and post it, and it got suspended after a while. I've emailed support and it got fixed. This obviously can't be scaled.
  • @Sven, this cant be the reason. The Accounts were created 2-3 month ago.
    I everytime dripfeeded the submissions and used only manual spun content without links and images. Doesnt matter what i've tried, ~65% gets banned after 2-5 submissions.

    Wordpress is hard to survive i think ^^
  • yeah, wp is a bear right now. I have slightly better success than you on FCS, but not by much. If anyone knows of a good wp tool, please post it.
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