Bitdefender blocking GSA
in Need Help
I am using GSA on my my computer and is giving me hard time as Bitdefender always it's blocking GSA, I don't want to turn it off as I consider protecting my computer, but also looks to me that the software it's trying to get backlinks from really contaminated pages.
it's there is any filter to activate on GSA to avoid this kind getting backlink from those places?
probably the solution will be installing the GSA on server but the complication remains if the backlinks are generated on contaminated virus webpages.
any thoughts?
The best Internet security is to not be connected. As a famous German hacker who I follow (hello fefe) on his blog all the time says: All virus scanners are nothing more than snake oil.
If someone want to get control over your PC, he probably will, no matter what virus scanner you have installed. And I agree. Because today most of the scanners still follow a simple concept from the 80th...still! They keep signatures for entry points of executables or other returning mask to identify them. BUT, as the number of programs grow and viruses and protections and so on, you get a database where almost anything matches and does not match.
Our products e.g. are using conman protections, custom stuff and a lot of tricks that keep crackers out. The same are used by virus authors to keep spies out. So there are false detections all over. You even get a virus alert when using UPX (one of the major free executable packers), just because it's used by viruses.
There are just a few scanners who are really advanced. And even then it's useless.
At least our products do not execute any javascripts or use browsers in background. You can safely use them without risking to be infected from surfing a website.
All notices you get from scanners are maybe true (website infected) but in the end it doesn't matter your security.