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VPN or Proxy

edited January 2013 in Need Help

What proxy service would you recommend?

2nd Question:

Can a VPN Service be used too?

They are mostly around 10€ / month... proxy (shared) are often more expensive......


  • SvenSven
    Make sure that you get changing IPs with a VPS.
  • It does not change when i Logoff/long....... checked with whatsmyip..

    But I can interchange login servers, than I get different IPs.
  • iwebseoiwebseo The Internets
    thisisalex that's what Sven meant I believe. So make sure you change servers here and there.
  • stupid VPN!!

    my VMWARE got infected by some sort of remote desktop worm !!!

    OK, back to basic "how to secure the crapiest os in the world"....... I know why I am using mac os x / and ubuntu
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