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ACW best settings

Can someone explain please ACW spin width. What is the best settings for it . How many healthy submissions  for instance I can get width spin width ''3'' . Am using wordai api and have chimp rewriter to .Is there any control for setting for those ? In wordai I always use ''extremely unique'' How can set this up in ACW ? 


  • davbeldavbel UK
    edited March 2014
    I use a min setting of 50, but if it's going to be a popular subject area with lots of articles, I'll use 100 or 150

    As an example, if you are using a spin width of 3 and there are 10 sentences in your completed article, then you'll have 3 possible combinations for each sentence, which would be 10^3.

    That would mean potentially 1k different combinations, but as you are only using 3 sentences, lots of the content in each of those articles will be very very similar to others.

    Using a spinner will make it more unique, but my advice is increase the spin width.

    **Edited my bad maths tut tut :D**
    I originally said 3^10 which is 59K articles, but then had a rethink and changed to 10^3 and now I can't decide which is correct :))

    In any event, whether it's 1k or 59k articles, the outcome will be the same - lots of the content will be repeated, so increase the spin width to at least 50 :D
  • Got it . Will do from now on . Thanks m8 :)
    The apis of wordai and shimp are limited . Will have to see how much words will 50 width will yeat up hope it will work out
  • TBH I only use the spin on the title and just use the content as is.  With that level of spin width, I've found it to be unique and readable enough to use on some of my teir 1s.

  • No spin at all .Brilliant :D
  • Thanks davbel, personally I don't bother with word spinning either. And to answer your maths I think it would be 10^3 using your numbers :)
  • @collywobbles i love your product since i got it ,) still one of my favs .. do you plan some updates btw ?
  • Thanks, yes I do plan some updates, I have a list of small fixes/improvements to work through. Difficult to balance with a full time job / family :D
  • It's awesome, love it - and if it could do all settings import for SER it would be even greater :D
  • What does "all settings import for SER" mean? Thanks
  • Tried the new way and it works . Loving this soft more and more . Aplied new content for 20 projects in about 2 hours . Impressive
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