Proxies dying instantly
Hi guys,
i couldn't find similar thread so i'll open this question, i'm having big problem with proxies from few days ago i thought that this is to proxy provider but seems it isn't.
I have 30 semi dedicated private proxies from buyproxy, when they deliver me new proxies and when i enter them in SER they are all already dead i didn''t start with using them.
Checking those proxies in Scrapebox they are all working, check them i browser they work, i don't know what might be a problem 'cos i didn't had these kind of problem earlier, and as i mentioned earlier this is big problem for me 'cos buyproxies don't wan't to deliver me new ones anymore

Regarding buyproxies - try to buy some real private proxies and not semidedicated. Thus, with small investment you will find out wether it is your fault or others. If you don't trust buyproxies choose different provider, check bhw threads.
@kajzer - I think the bans are almost always temporary. I never return proxies or disable proxies just because it shows as failed in SER.
I always check my proxies in multiple software: Scrapebox, Kontent Machine and SEOSpyglass. Then if I see a pattern where they are failed in 2-3 locations, only then do I consider returning them. At which point buyproxies does it right away, no questions asked. But show them the proof of multiple failures with screenshots.
In my opinion, this is the correct way to do it. I can show multiple proxies failed in SER, but I can still post like a mofo. Remember, a proxy could have the slightest bit of line noise - at that exact moment - and show as failed. That is why I believe it is only temporary. And that is why I always look at multiple software products to test them if I think I have a problem.