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Is there a way to save all skipped text captchas

Is there a way to save all skipped text captchas. I want to be able to save them for separate processing.


  • To clarify - I want to save all of the urls that had skipped text captchas 
  • You can save the output log to file and then filter it to show only lines with the word "skipped" I guess.
  • SvenSven
    there is an option to save unanswered captchas to a file. Options->advanced options.
  • Ferryman. Thanks for the answer. I looked high and low and can't find anything about how to save log file. Do you know how to save log file?

    @Sven - I don't think that "unanswered captchas" includes the URL of the site that was skipped.

  • I found out how to save log - you right click in log window and it gives options for log
  • SvenSven
    it saves the URL in that unanswered captchas file as well.
  • Is the file located %appdata% path -> unanswered_questions.txt? This is the file name that is shown on advanced options. When I open that file in notepad, there are no URLs.

    When I edit the file within GSA SER, there are 3 columns (question, answer,url) and the URLs are in the file. The top left above the question column shows text that says "Text Captchas".

    What is the file name and where is it located because it does not seem that the file is unanswered_questions.txt.


  • SvenSven

    The URL is there...just have a closer look. The format is

    question 0xFF URL

  • In file unanswered_questions.txt or text_captchas.dat?

    I'll have to take a look at it in hex because the space after questions is all "blanks". 

  • SvenSven
    unanswered_questions.txt of course the other has "question 0xff answer" no url is needed here.
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