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I just updated SER, and now it looks weird

I hadn't updated SER in a while. I scraped 5 million possible targets using SB. I tried importing into SER, but the (windows 7) circle kept spinning and spinning, meaning it's busy. I left it for like 5 hours, I came back, it was still spinning. So I figured it's froze. So I just pressed "update now" to restart it, and hopefully update it.
Then, it closed and started installing itself, no problem there, that's pretty normal. But then it asked me twice some file exists, "do you want to overwrite?" I said yes both times. This has never happened before, when I updated in the past, it never asked this question.
Then, SER reopened, now it looks weird, it has these symbols like stars and a symbol that looks like the sun, and another symbol that looks like an arrow? is this the way it's supposed to be?


  • Holy shit, sounds like you were hacked by some russians. I suggest uploading your global verified list to a secure file sharing site and sending them to me. I'll run them through my virus scanner software to make sure everything is okay. I'll keep you posted.
  • if you want to see what I am talking about, you can see a screenshot here:
    to the left of the project titles, I have these weird symbols. Are they supposed to be there, or have I been hacked?
  • @Sven, same problem here - well not sure if its a problem. Just seeing those wierd icons

  • Sorry, just checked another thread and see it is a feature not a bug :)

    Thanks much
  • lol, bigredmachine all that is normal
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