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Contextual link anchor text question?

In your tier 1, tier 2 contextual links are most of you having your keyword anchor text placed in the body of the article or at the bottom of the article?


  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    I usually place it as an anchor text within the body of my article. 
  • @s4nt0s Cool, thanks for the input. I was just wondering since Google stated in their last update that it included a keyword anchor text algo that targeted keyword rich anchors placed in the body of articles. I used to place all my anchors inside the articles but changed my approach after the last update and started placing them at the end of article. I havn't had very good results lately using that strategy to be honset, think it's time switch back.
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    Ha ya Matt Cutts says a lot of things 

    I haven't noticed anything negative from linking in the article but that can all change pretty quick as SEO continually evolves.

    That's why we as SEO's have to constantly test. 

    I'd be interested to see how other people are doing it :)
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