@Sven Add Better Proxy Feature
Hi @sven, I wanted to ask can you please add a better proxy feature on the next update?
The problem is, I keep getting account closed on my server because my host dose not like it when the sever ip ends up on stop forum spam. When I use private proxy's this dose not happen but the thing is there is a huge down side to using private proxy's. The major problem with private proxy's is that google ends up banning them way to quick and therefore the program performs poorly since if the campaign is set to only post on lets say PR4 sites and above, since the private proxy's are banned and therefore cannot be used to check PR this is wasting a huge amount of time since GSA will continue to search for sites not knowing that it could of potentially bypassed the requested sites but since the proxies are banned (maybe for 3 hours or so) GSA will be ineffective for up to 3h.
Now, I tried using public proxies yesterday and I checked stop forum spam today and my IP is listed there. I set GSA to automatically search for proxies but im guessing it dose not even bother to check whether its anonymous or not?
Anyway, the solution seems quite simple. If you add an option right here (or anywhere you see fit): http://screencast.com/t/JwQlH5Ks0Cu called Private/Public or something along those lines. You could then add another option or modify the existing one: http://screencast.com/t/LfklgZ3T to say "Check PR With Public Proxies" and you could add more options like "Scrape Using Public Proxies" and "Scrape Using Private Proxies" and "Post Using Public Poxies" etc... You have more than enough room to add them here: http://screencast.com/t/7ieg4BWtrz0.
So basically, the user would have the option to use public proxies for only PR checking and then use private proxies for posting (which will keep people from getting spam complaints) etc...
This seems like a long awaited feature and without its like driving a Ferrari that's stuck in first gear

Sorry but thats wrong. A Trans prosy or CONNECT proxy as others might call it is something that is most likely not giving your IP away.
Because after you connected successfully to it (by a HTTP-CONNECT header), you can tunnel almost anything over this protocol not just http traffic. So it's very unlikely that your IP is "leaked". Thats different on WEB proxies as they only work with http-protocols and the proxies might add additional header variables before posting to the desired site. Some add the original IP in the header which some sites will see and react according to that (seeing it's a proxy).
I was having trouble with proxies in another program on the same vps so I stopped ser and tested the proxies and they all 404. So I would assume SER was using my vps ip address to scrape, post, etc...
I thought SER checked the proxies to make sure they worked every so often. Is this not the case?
How can one MAKE SURE that their VPS IP is NEVER revealed using GSA SER settings ?
is that possible ? doable ?
I read @globalgoogler's response
Just make sure you deselect the feature "Automatically disable bad
proxies" and it won't show your IP. Otherwise, if all proxies go bad,
your IP will get used.
is that true ?
but if I bad proxies are not disabled then I might be working with bad proxies and slowing the process down
or not ?
I realized today that my working proxies were 0 for a few minutes and that my IP was used and then I found myself on a report on stopforumspam ....
how does one solve such situation ?
is that too much to ask to have an option to halt posting or all operations if no proxies are working or found
otherwise this is another reason to sit around and babysit GSA SER !!!
will something like this be ENOUGH to say that our IP will NEVER be revealed or send in a way or another ?
(sorry if this has been answered elsewhere)
Yeah it happened to be back in the beginning. I just think we need a box that says:
"Never use my IP to post. If no proxies are available, stop everything."
Use a VPN to cover your IP always. Any VPN costs $10 month (a pittance considering all the other expenses and tools and in comparison to what we stand to make in IM). If not a paid one then at least a free one like Hotspot Shield.
I use VPN to cover my IP and on top of that I use private proxies for all tools.