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GSA SER Wrong Captcha

Hi All,

 These days Death by captcha Captcha solvers seems to be not working properly. I'm using DBC for last few months but this month I'm getting a lot of wrong captchas I think.

My POints are getting dried out fast & when I contact Death by Captcha spport. It said that the software is not sending us any wrong captcha entires as a result of that we cant give refund.

@sven could you please help if possible in adjusting those settings


  • SvenSven
    Well SER is reporting wrong captchas, though not on all engines and propably missing some strings for already configured engines. If you have samples, Im fine to edit the engine scripts with missing "captcha filed" messages.
  • @sven I think the problem in most cases is for recaptcha type, can we do some thing for that
  • SvenSven
    Sure, if you get me the engines where it happened + the message that was part of the html output because of a bad captcha.
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